Nikola Tesla Network - Croatia to the world - Nikola Tesla

Croatia to the world - Nikola Tesla

Posted: 22.02.2021 Nikola Tesla is featured as one of the people with a worldwide impact in the new exhibition "Croatia to the world." The exhibition is organised in part by Nikola Tesla Network member,...
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Nikola Tesla Network - Meeting in Karlovac

Meeting in Karlovac

Posted: 31.01.2021 On 28 th of January a meeting between representatives of Nikola Tesla Network, Poduzetni Association and Karlovac county was held in Karlovac, Plans for Nikola Tesla summer camp...
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Nikola Tesla Network - Nikola Tesla Experience Center

Nikola Tesla Experience Center

Posted: 15.01.2021 Karlovac county, together with partners city of Karlovac, Karlovac High school and the Korana Entrerpreneurial  Zone, has provided 23 mil HRK, within the ITU mechanism , for the...
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Nikola Tesla Network - Streets with Nikola Tesla name

Streets with Nikola Tesla name

Posted: 21.10.2020 Besides Prague, there are streets with Nikola Tesla name also in Gospic, Zagreb, Rijeka, Zadar, Belgrade, Podgorica Sarajevo, Sempetr pri Gorici. Do you know anymore cities with...
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