Nikola Tesla Network - Concert of classical music

Concert of classical music

Posted: 30.06.2021 To honor Nikola Tesla s 165 th birthday, Karlovac Music school, City of Karlovac and Karlovac county organised a concert of classical music
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Nikola Tesla Network - Ontario


Posted: 21.06.2021 Ontario province declares 10th of July, Nikola Tesla's birthday,  an annual local holiday. This is to honor Nikola Tesla and his project of  the first hydro power plant in...
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Nikola Tesla Network - Nikola Tesla EV Rally

Nikola Tesla EV Rally

Posted: 02.06.2021 The 8 th edition of Nikola Tesla EV Rally, the the most quietest rally in the world, was held from 23 rd of May till 30 th of May. Teams from all over the Europe were driving through...
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Nikola Tesla Network - It is official !

It is official !

Posted: 21.03.2021 City of Ozalj , a member of Nikola Tesla Network, will host Youth Summer Camp Tesla and us. The Agreement with Poduzetni association was signed on 18 th of March in Ozalj....
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