Nikola Tesla Network - Europa Park in Rust

Europa Park in Rust

Posted: 25.03.2023 Starting in 2024, Europa Park in Rust will offer a new thematic part dedicated to Croatia. On March 25 th 2023. Croatian cinema will open in  Europa Park where a virtual visit to...
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Nikola Tesla Network - Nikola Tesla on F.RE.E

Nikola Tesla on F.RE.E

Posted: 27.02.2023 A sculpture of Nikola Tesla, one of the  most known Croats in the world, was set up as a part of the Croatian exhibit at the largest Bavarian tourism fair F.RE..E held in Munich....
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Nikola Tesla Network - Tesla Digital tour

Tesla Digital tour

Posted: 17.02.2023 We held another sucessful online workshop about our new project Tesla Digital tour which will showcase locations important to Tesla s life in digital form
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Nikola Tesla Network - 80 years since Nikola Tesla died

80 years since Nikola Tesla died

Posted: 07.01.2023 Today marks 80 years since Nikola Tesla died on January 7th, 1943. But his work and his heritage still live on. The Nikola Tesla Network association is commemorating this day and is...
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Nikola Tesla Network - Another Nikola Tesla inspired brand

Another Nikola Tesla inspired brand

Posted: 31.10.2022 Did you know that since 2016.there has been another automotive brand inspired by Nikola Tesla? The company is Nikola Motor, producing electric trucks, energy storage systems and...
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Nikola Tesla Network - Sit and meet Nikola Tesla

Sit and meet Nikola Tesla

Posted: 10.10.2022 If you find yourself in the centre of Zagreb, you can Sit&Meet with some of the most influential people in Croatian history. Nikola Tesla is one of the 13 featured historical...
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