Youth Entrepreneurial Academy - Tesla and Us


Tesla and Us - TAU - international camp is created for children, elementary and high school students as well as university students who wish to improve their skills in the STEAM areas and entrepreneurship.

Values and necessities of TAU - international camp:

→ To provide a relaxed environment for the participants to with ease and enthusiasm engage with the technical and technological incentive based on the work of Nikola Tesla.

→ To motivate and provide quality education for the participants, as to allow them easy acquisition of technical and technological skills in a time period shorter than what it would usually take them in a basic educational environment.

→ To provide a stimulating environment in which excellent experts and pedagogues together with motivated participants will work on improving not only their knowledge, but also character.

→ To create an environment that builds self esteem in youth, contributes to the positive picture of oneself and the awareness of the importance of knowledge acquisition in the STEAM and entrepreneurship areas, all while working hard and being a part of a team.

Project initiators

  • City of Gospic and Association Enterprising

Project carrier

  • Association Enterprising

Workshop duration

  • 8 days (Saturday to Saturday)

Place of realization

  • Workshops: Gospic, Otocac, Plitvice, Udbina, Karlobag…
  • Cultural tourism: Licki Osik, Korenica…

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