Posted: 21. 11. 2019
Presentation of the project in Croatian Chamber of Economy

November 21, 2019 at the Croatian Chamber of Economy within the Plenary Meeting of the Cultural Tourism Community, Dubravka Davidović (Manager of the Route) presented the project "Nikola Tesla Network - Mreža Nikola Tesla", its goals and future activities on the Route. 


  • Youth exchange
  • Present Nikola Tesla as a great scientist born in Croatia
  • Strenghtening the awerness about Nikola Tesla inside countries which are historicaly connected with his life and work and extended on the new teritories and countries where is growing interest in Nikola Tesla
  • Promoting a better knowledge and understanding of European history
  • Cross – border cooperation
  • Research and development projects
  • Creating a new touristic itineraries based on places and countries where he lived and worked with electrical cars and different sustainable types of transport
  • Including SME in projects
  • Implementation of sustainable and ecological systems in the field of construction, lighting, heating and other

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