Posted: 18. 09. 2020
Electric plant projected by Nikola Tesla in 1929 for the town of Punat on the island of Krk in Croatia

According to information provided by Mr. Rado Žic - Mikulin (PhD in Medicine), the only electric plant which Nikola Tesla ever directly projected outside of the USA was the Munjara in the town of Punat on the island of Krk, Croatia, built in 1929. This was a result of his friendship with Croatian mariner Pero Orlić Vicencov, born in Punat.  Between the two World wars, the town was called Aleksandrovo. Dr. Rado Žic - Mikulin had opportunity to see as a child Tesla's original sketches kept in the archives of the electric plant.  It would be of great interest to try to find Tesla's original documentation from 1929, plundered after 1945 with the advent of the new communist rule.

Photos by the courtesy of Rado Žic Mikulin.

1929 in the town of Punat (then Aleksandrovo).
Munjara (electric plant) is derived from munja - lightning (in Croatian).
S.O.J. - s ograničenim jamstvom (with a limited warranty)


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Tesla punat munjara1929interijer
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