Posted: 07. 10. 2019
Central State Office for Croats abroad has accepted a partnership in the Cultural Route project ‘Nikola Tesla Network - Mreža Nikola Tesla’

Central State Office for Croats abroad recognized the importance of Nikola Tesla as one of the most famous Croatian emigrants and European and world scientists and accepted a partnership in the Cultural Route project "Nikola Tesla Network - Mreža Nikola Tesla". On September 2, 2019, State Secretary Zvonko Milas, in the presence of the President of the Croatian Association for Tourism and Rural Development 'The Village Membership Club' - Dijana Katica, PhD signed the Declaraton of Cooperation on the Nikola Tesla Network Project.

The signatories of this Declaration are many of relevant institutions, from the state administration, regional and local self-government, the system of tourist boards, scientific, professional and cultural institutions, associations and others.

Considering the great importance of European Cultural Routes and their potential for the development of economy, culture, tourism and social values, the project will contribute to the promotion of Croatia and all countries along the Route and allow each participant and partner to develop and promote their activities.

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